Research interests
- Modelling Heterogeneity in Response Processes
- Response Styles
- Item Response Theory/
Item Response Tree Models - Mixture Modelling
- Alagöz, Ö. E. C., & Meiser, T. (2023). Investigating Heterogeneity in Response Strategies: A Mixture Multidimensional IRTree Approach. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 0(0).
- Alagöz, Ö. E. C., & Vermunt, J. K. (2022). Stepwise Latent Class Analysis in the Presence of Missing Values on the Class Indicators. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 29(5), 784–790.
- Alagöz, Ö. E. C., Gürlük, Y. O., Kormaz, M., Cömert, G. (2023). An Illustration of a Latent Class Analysis for Interrater Agreement: Identifying Subpopulations with Different Agreement Levels. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 14(4).