Ira Herwig, M.Sc.

Ira Herwig, M.Sc.

Academic Staff Member
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
L 13, 17
68161 Mannheim
  • Education and Academic Career

    since 09/2021

    University of Mannheim

    Academic staff member and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Health Psychology (Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata)

    Doctoral Student at the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, Universität Mannheim)

    09/2017 – 02/2021

    University of Mannheim

    M.Sc. Psychology, with a focus on Work, Economy and Society

    02/2018 – 07/2018

    University of Auckland, New Zealand

    Semester abroad

    10/2014 – 09/2017

    Justus Liebig University Gießen

    B.Sc. Psychology

  • Research Interests

    Topic of the doctoral dissertation

    Social influences on (reduced) meat consumption

    Other research interests

    Pro-environmental health behaviors

    Influences of structural environments on (health-) behaviors

    social influences on (general) eating behavior

  • Publications and Conference Contributions


    Kadel, P., Herwig, I. E., & Mata, J. (2023). Deliberate ignorance—A barrier for information interventions targeting reduced meat consumption? Psychology & Health, 1–18.

    Warner L. M., Herwig, I. E., Rehackova, L., Masaryk, R., Schüz, B, Araujo-Soares, V. (2023). Every action matters: Reducing the climate impact of EHPS conferences. European Health Psychologist, 23 (1), 978–986.

    Herwig, I. E., Kadel, P., & Mata, J. (2022). Eine Umfrage zur Unterstützung eines stärker pflanzenbasierten Angebotes in einer Universitäts-Mensa – Ein Praxisbericht. Umweltpsychologie, 2, 63–81.

    Conferences contributions

    Herwig, I. E., Giese, H., & Mata, J. (2022, August 23 – 27). (M)eating like your friends? Social Friendship Networks and Meat Consumption [Conference Poster Presentation]. European Health Psychology Society Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia.

    Herwig, I. E., Giese, H., & Mata, J. (2022, September 10–15). (M)eating like your friends? Social Friendship Networks and Meat Consumption [Conference Poster Presentation; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie Kongress, Hildesheim, Germany.

  • Teaching

    Fall 2022 | Prevention of mental disorders and health promotion; B.Sc. Psychology, University of Mannheim

    Spring 2022 | Experimental Psychological Project Course: Social Influences on Meat Consumption; B.Sc. Psychology, University of Mannheim