
The Chair of Health Psychology offers courses both at the bachelor’s and the master’s level. To find out when lectures and seminars are scheduled to take place, please log in to Portal2 (you need to be enrolled to see the dates). 

Final thesis

  • General information

    • At the Chair of Health Psychology, we offer topics for theses every semester. Topics are published in February/March and in September/October here on this website. You can apply for the respective topics for the following semester (February -> Fall Semester, September -> Spring Semester).
    • Unless otherwise stated, the topics are each assigned to individuals. If a topic is planned to be worked on by a project team, this is explicitly noted. In these cases, the teams work together on the same broad topic, but each student focuses on an individual subtopic (specific research question).
    • Check the information on the German website for more details.
  • Bachelor's thesis

    • Please submit a research proposal of three to five pages in APA style to the supervisor of your thesis before you start collecting data. Your research proposal serves to explain the theoretical framework of your study, your hypotheses and what they are based on as well as your methodological approach. Please make sure the supervisor is given ample time to correct and give feedback on your proposal.
    • Your bachelor's thesis is supposed to have the format of a scientific paper. It can be written either in German or in English and must be written in APA Style. The thesis, including references and figures but excluding the annex, should not exceed 25 pages.
    • Before you hand in the final version of your thesis, you may submit three pages of your draft thesis to your supervisor, e.g. the hypotheses section as well as an excerpt of your introduction and an excerpt of your results, to receive comprehensive feedback on your work. Again, please make sure your supervisor is given ample time to get back to you (1 to 2 weeks).

    Information on Writing a Bachelor's Thesis

    Currently there are no files available.

  • Master's thesis

    • Prior to data collection, you present the theoretical framework, your hypotheses and what they are based on, and your methodological approach during the health psychology research colloquium.
    • You submit a research proposal of approximately five to seven pages in APA style to the supervisor of your thesis before you start collecting data. Your research proposal serves to explain the theoretical framework of your study, your hypotheses and what they are based on as well as your methodological approach. Please make sure the supervisor is given ample time to correct and give feedback on your proposal.
    • Before you hand in the final version of your thesis, you may submit five pages of your draft thesis to your supervisor, e.g. the hypotheses section as well as an excerpt of your introduction and an excerpt of your results, to receive comprehensive feedback on your work.

    Information on writing a master’s thesis

    Currently there are no files available.

Career Paths

Health psychologists are employed in a variety of settings and engage a wide array of activities, including

  • Health counselling and coaching
  • Health training, prevention, and rehabilitation programs
  • Health promotion at the organizational and community level and in schools
  • Development of educational and training materials in health psychology
  • Public relations and media work
  • Academic teaching and research

The British Psychological Society has information about career paths and working conditions for health psychologists. For further information, please read this interview with a health psychologist at LearnPsychology’s website [link].

Tip: The Practical Health Psychology blog may be of interest to students who want to learn more about the application of health psychology research in practice.