

Prof. Dr. Oliver Dickhäuser

Prof. Dr. Oliver Dickhäuser
Professorship for Educational Psychology
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6
Building B – Room 312
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Office hours in HWS 23 during the lecture-free period: By appointment.
Please register for office hours by emailing me.


Gabi Atkinson

Gabi Atkinson (she/her)

Secretary Chair of Educational Psychology
Das Sekretariat ist am Donnerstag, den 11.07.2024 nicht in Präsenz besetzt, aber per E-Mail erreichbar.
University of Mannheim
Chair of Educational Psychology
A5, 6 – Room B 311
68159 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181-2208
Fax: +49 621 181-2206
Office hours:
Regulär ist das Sekretariat wie folgt besetzt: Dienstags & donnerstags von 13:30–17:00 h, mittwochs ab 10:15–12:00 h.
Homeoffice: Mo und Fr, per E-Mail erreichbar.

Academic Staff

Research Associates

Dr. Julia Wegenka, M.Sc.
Academic Staff Member
Dr. Tamara Marksteiner
Academic Staff Member
Laura Messerer, M.Sc.
Academic Staff Member


Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer

Prof. Dr. Manfred Hofer

Professor Emeritus
University of Mannheim
Chair of Educational Psychology
A 5, 6
68159 Mannheim

Adjunct Lecturer