Chair of Sociology, Migration and Integration (W3)

Prof. Dr. Marc Helbling

Prof. Dr. Marc Helbling

Since summer 2020 Professor Marc Helbling holds the Chair in Sociology of Migration and Integration. The main research topics are migration and citizenship policies, xenophobia and Islamophobia, populist and extremist attitudes, causes of migration and integration of migrants.

The Chair at a Glance


An overview on our courses helps you to plan your studies.


Please find information about current publications and research projects of the chair.


Our team is looking forward to getting in touch with you.


Prof. Dr. Marc Helbling

Prof. Dr. Marc Helbling

Chair of Sociology with a Specialization in the Areas of Migration and Integration
University of Mannheim
School of Social Sciences
A 5, 6 Bauteil B – Raum 101
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment