

New open access publication in Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
Language Proficiency Among Respondents: Implications for Data Quality in a Longitudinal Face-to-Face Survey by Alexander Wenz, Tarek Al Baghal and Alessandra Gaia
New publication in Social Science Computer Review
Measuring Income (In)equality by Jan Karem Höhne, Dagmar Krebs and Steffen-M. Kühnel
New GIP Data & Documentation Tool
New web interface for browsing and searching the GIP data
Daten von Meinungsforschern sind meist unzulänglich
100 citations in just over two years!
Paper on interviewer effects reaches milestone in Google Scholar
Die Daten der Meinungsforscher müssen besser werden.
Das Meinungsbild der Bevölkerung sollte uns die Mühe wert sein.
New open access publication in Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
A Review of Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Probability and Nonprobability Sample Survey Research by Carina Cornesse, Annelies G. Blom, and others
New open access publication in Sociological Methods and Research
Automated Online Collection of Geographical Information by Barbara Felderer and Annelies G. Blom
Jan Karem Höhne back from research stay in the US
After a DAAD-funded three-months research stay at the University of Michigan (USA) Jan Karem Höhne returns to Chair for Data Science.
New publication in International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Investigating the impact of interpretive heuristics on response behavior and data quality by Jan Karem Höhne and Ting Yan