

New publication in Computers in Human Behavior
Switching away: Exploring on-device media multitasking in web surveys by Jan Karem Höhne, Stephan Schlosser, Mick P. Couper, and Annelies G. Blom
100 Tage Mannheimer Corona-Studie
Das Leben in Deutschland im Ausnahmezustand
Dr. Cornesse appointed associate editor
Dr. Carina Cornesse appointed associate editor of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodolgy
New open access publication in Survey Research Methods
High-Frequency and High-Quality Survey Data Collection: The Mannheim Corona Study
New Episode: Coronavirus Unfolded:
How the crisis boosts the demand for high-quality data
New open access publication in Survey Methods: Insights from the Field
The utility of auxiliary data for survey response modeling: Evidence from the German Internet Panel by Carina Cornesse
MDM online seminar: Surveys in Times of Corona
How do data scientists contribute to a better understanding of the impact of the corona crisis on society?
New open access publication in Social Science Computer Review
The Effects of Personalized Feedback on Participation and Reporting in Mobile App Data Collection by Alexander Wenz, Annette Jäckle, Jonathan Burton, and Mick P. Couper
Mannheimer Corona-Studie gestartet
Tägliche Berichte zum Leben im Ausnahmezustand
Dr. Wenz receives Burns “Bud” Roper Fellow Award
Dr. Alexander Wenz receives travel award from the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR)