Courses in the Fall Semester 2022

  • Courses in the Spring Semester 2021

    Course title Lecturer Details Timing
    Ü Datenauswertung Manuel Neumann Statistical skills are essential for students of any empirically oriented social science. In the study of political science an understanding of statistical data analysis is necessary not only for conducting analysis, but also for understanding a significant proportion of the empirical political science literature. This course is an introduction to data analysis in empirical political research. We will introduce the basic methods of data analysis with practical applications using the statistical software package Stata. The course aims to provide students with an appreciation of what good statistical analysis can achieve, how to use statistical methods appropriately and with confidence, and how to interpret the results produced by those methods clearly and correctly. Link:,memberstimetablehisinone Wed 1:45–3:15 p.m.
  • Courses in the Fall Semester 2020

    Course title Lecturer Details Timing
    PS Einführung in die Politische Soziologie: Political communication and democratic politics Anne Schäfer Information about political developments reaches citizens through three main intermediaries – political parties and other interest groups, traditional and new media sources as well as fellow citizens with whom one discusses the latest political developments. This seminar will study the behavioral and attitudinal consequences of political communication originating from these specific sources, with a special focus on political communication during election periods and considering the rapidly changing communication environment in present-day democracies. The seminar might, depending on students’ interest, also address recent research on populist communication or the role deliberation can play in democratic politics. Wed, 8:30–10:00 a.m.
    PS Einführung in die Politische Soziologie: Elections and electoral behavior Anne Schäfer Elections are a core feature of modern democracies and ensure their proper operation. Research in political sociology aims at investigating the role of citizens in this process of democratic politics. During this seminar we will address the question why citizens decide to vote for a specific political alternative at Election Day. We will review both classic models of electoral behaviour and recent research to explain individual political choice. As information about political developments plays an important role in citizens’ decision making, we will study the behavioural and attitudinal consequences of political communication. Emerging challenges in changing (communication) environments, e.g. due to the rise of populist contesters, will be addressed. Wed, 12:00–1:30 p.m.
  • Courses in the Spring Semester 2020

    Course title Lecturer Details Timing
    Ü Datenauswertung Christiane Grill This course is an introduction to data analysis in political science using the Stata statistical software package. The course aims to demonstrate how to generate statistical results from political science data and how to interpret those results appropriately. The course accompanies the Data Analysis lecture and it is strongly advised that students take both courses simultaneously Thu, 8:30–10:00 a.m.
    HS Ausgewählte Themen der Politischen Soziologie: Gender and Politics Christiane Grill The seminar offers a systematic overview of the main theoretical concepts as well as empirical findings related to gender and politics. We will thereby address fundamental questions on gender differences both from national as well as cross-national perspectives. Building up on recent scientific publications on gender and politics we will investigate the concept of gender in relation to topics such as: representation, decision-making processes, political participation, voting, political communication, political socialization etc. Thu, 1:45–3:15 p.m.
    Ü Datenauswertung Anne Schäfer This course is an introduction to data analysis in political science using the Stata statistical software package. The course aims to demonstrate how to generate statistical results from political science data and how to interpret those results appropriately. The course accompanies the Data Analysis lecture and it is strongly advised that students take both courses simultaneously Wed, 2:30–5:00 p.m.