
Weltweit erstes globales Online-Handbuch zu regierungsnahen Milizen
Die Konfliktforscherin Sabine Carey hat das weltweit erste Online-Verzeichnis mit umfassenden Informationen zu über 500 regierungsfreundlichen Milizen aus der ganzen Welt entwickelt.
Online Info Session for female students about PhD Programmes
Professor Sabine Carey is organising an informal zoom session on 23 Feb 2022 at 10am CET for female political sciences students who are potentially considering pursuing a PhD. If you are interested, please email us at by 20 February. Please briefly mention ...
New Publication by Cosima Meyer
Cosima Meyer's Paper on teaching methods “Bringing the World to the Classroom: Teaching Statistics and Programming in a Project-Based Setting” has been published by Cambridge University Press in Political Science and Politics. You can read the article here.
Christoph Steinert advises NGO Race and Equality
Christoph Steinert will advise the International Institute for Race, Equality and Human Rights (Race & Equality), an NGO which among other things advocates for political prisoners,  on identifying political prisoners in Latin America. The NGO wants to redefine the concept internally and suggest ...
Academy of Sociology Dissertation Award for Katrin Paula
Congratulations to Prof. Katrin Paula, now at the Technical University of Munich, for  her third price for her PhD dissertation, which she completed at the University of Mannheim. The Academy made the following announcement on their website: ““The Academy of Sociology is proud to highlight an ...
Congratulations to Cosima Meyer
On 21 July 2021, Cosima Meyer successfully defended her doctoral dissertation „Power Struggle and Spark of Hope – The Political Elite and Post-Civil War Politics“. The examination committee consisted of  Sabine Carey, Nikolay Marinov, and Anne Pintsch (University of Agder). Cosima has already ...
Ein Mann hält seinen Laptop auf dem Schoß fest und tippt auf das Display.
NEPS Conference 2021: Presentations and Award
Christoph Steinert and Felix Olsowski participated at the 20th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference by the Network of European Peace Scientists (NEPS) held from June 29 to July 1, 2021. After the conference had to be cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Christoph and Felix ...
Presentations at the EPSA Annual Convention 2021
Sabine Carey, Christoph Steinert, and Felix Olsowski participated at the 11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association held from June 24 – 25. Like last year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. As part of a mentoring workshop series, together ...
Congratulations to Anna-Lena Hönig
Anna-Lena Hönig successfully defended her doctoral dissertation “Under Scrutiny: Cooperation Between Non-State Organizations in Contentious Contexts” on June 2, 2021. The examination committee consisted of Thomas Bräuninger, Charles Butcher (NTNU Trondheim), and Sabine Carey. Anna-Lena has already ...
United Nations Security Council Simulation on Syria by the DGVN
As part of the seminar “Political elites in times of conflict”, Cosima Meyer hosted another United Nations Security Council Simulation, facilitated by Doreen Faller and Fabio Reith from the DGVN, on May 31, 2021. The students represented different state actors and had the chance to experience ...