

HEAT: Herausforderung Heterogenität Theory-practice-cooperation for evidence-based and practical professionalisation of prospective teachers at schools of general education and vocational schools

Promoter: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg

Duration: 02.2016 – 01.2021

Project management: Prof. Dr. Stefan Münzer, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried
Scientific management: Prof. Dr. Karina Karst

Co-operation partner: Julia Derkau (ZLBI)

Central elements:

Campus-Community-Partnership (sustainable cooperations (e.g. Freezone Straßenschule) & education partnership with schools in Mannheim)

Diagnostic of linguistic skills at schools in Mannheim (5th and 6th grade), using Duisburger Sprachstandstest (DST)

Project report: Dotzel, S., Karst, K., & Münzer, S. (2018). Heterogenität kognitiver Leistungspositionen nach dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe 1. Abschlussbericht über die Sprachstandsdiagnostik an Mannheimer Gymnasien 2017. Mannheim: Universität Mannheim

Subproject: Test theoretical foundation and validation of DST (Cooperation partner: Research group “Psychological Methods and Diagnostics “(Prof. Dr. Thorsten Meiser); former Landesinstitut für Schulentwicklung BW (Department 3))

Duration: 2017 – 2018